Attachment Moms
Attachment moms is all about being the best parent you can be. Now I might get some bad responses for putting it in those terms but remember this is where I write my opinions. It doesn't mean I am right or wrong. Jennifer Houck is the owner of this great and informative website and like her I never knew there was a name for this style of parenting. It just came naturally. Now if it doesn't come naturally but it sounds wonderful to you, this is where you can learn what it is all about and how to parent in this same style. I remember one of my friends who was trying to get her baby to sleep through the night. The general consensus anymore is that you should let them cry until they fall asleep so she had been through the first night of this. I could tell just by listening to her that all of her mommy instincts were saying this was not the right method for her baby but it was what she was SUPPOSED to do. She was so torn. I told her my theory was that letting kids cry themselves to sleep does not teach them to go to sleep on their own. It just teaches them to feel hopeless. "I am uncomfortable, scared, lonely or sad but it doesn't matter, no one is going to help me." I can't imagine letting any of my babies feel that way so I pick them up when they cry. I let them sleep with me not because I want to spoil them or never get them into their own beds but because I am selfish. It is easier to nurse if they are in bed with me. I feel better feeling their little breaths on my cheek when I am asleep. Apparently this is all attachment parenting and I love it! Don't think of it as your baby becoming to attached to you, think of it as YOU becoming attached to your child. This will be a bond that lasts forever. This site will give you all kinds of great information from sleeping with your baby to making your own baby wipes, starting an at home business and making baby food, why you should use a sling and of course, how to get your toddler to sleep. Regardless of your parenting style you will find something here for you. Take a look: Powered By Qumana |