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Friday, February 24, 2006

Family Watch Dog

Statistics from Family Watch Dog website:
  • 90% of all sexual assaults against children are committed by someone whom the victim knew. *
  • The typical sexual predator will assault 30 - 60 times before being caught. **
  • The re-arrest rate for convicted child molesters is 52%. ***

    Family watch dog is one incredible site!   This is a site that everyone needs to visit regardless of whether or not you have kids.  We all either have kids or have friends who have kids or neighbors with children etc.  This site allows you to know who is living in your neighborhood. 
  • Sex offenders are required by law to register with the state certain information.  Where they are living and working for instance. 
    Using this site you can just enter your address and click enter.  A little house will pop up (this is where you live) and you will also see a bunch of different colored boxes.  Click on those boxes to see a picture of the sex offender and a brief description of the crime. 
    I found one right down the street from our house and even more shocking a few right around our elementary school.  One lives on the same corner where last month we had a child enticement case!
    This is a great tool that will allow you to know if there are registered sex offenders in your area but it cannot tell you about the sex offenders who haven't been caught so please remember to always follow your own instincts.  Please also visit the "stay safe" page.  There are some great tips for both parents and children.  A personal thank you to the owners of Family Watch Dog!  What a great service and for free!
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