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Monday, February 13, 2006

Wahms Web

Wahms Web is owned by Brenda Boggs, mom to two VERY little girls.
First I was impressed by two things. Brenda has done an unbelievable job of building her websites. She is also the owner of blogger party. Just being able to do this with two little ones underfoot is amazing to me!
Wahms Web is beautifully done. There are articles, a forum, a work at home guide and my favorite section, Planet wahm. Planet wahm is like a collection of blogs within a blog. The information is always fresh and new. If you are at all interested in becoming a wahm (work at home mom) and don't know where to start this is definately a great place! Wahmsweb
You can also earn points that can be exchanged for rewards when you participate in the different sections of Wahms Web. What a great concept and motivator!
I am very excited about this site and I personally expect Planet Wahm to be the big hit. It is very different than what you find at most websites and unique enough to catch a lot of attention! Way to go Brenda!

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Comments on "Wahms Web"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:53 AM) : 

Cool.. Thanks sound interesting.. I'll check it out, esp the directories. Thanks


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