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Monday, February 27, 2006

Wiki How

WikiHow is a collarborative writing project to build the worlds largest how-to manual.
This place is just plain cool!  There is a ton of information here including how to make a goldfish live for decades.  For those of you on my message board, this was information I needed a week ago!
You can find information on anything!  How to take care of a parakeet, how to remove a stuck GE washer agitator, how to improve your posture, even how to make your parents love you for who you are.
I love it!
Here is a great one:  How to relax in your own living room..  Basically it boils down to soaking your feet, putting on a great movie or some nice music and forgetting about the world outside.  I bet there are people out there who just don't know how to relax!
Or how about this one:  "How to make your own temporary tattoo"  You will have to visit to learn how but I bet you never thought of it! 
There is a ton of just plain amazing information here. 
Now the really great part of this project is that everyone can become involved!  Pick a topic you know something about and you can be a part of history.  This website is set up so that everyone can easily participate just by following the guidelines.
Visit to find out how to do something or to contribute and teach the rest of us something new! 
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