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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I need to know

I need to know.. if you are reading this.. Do you find this blog interesting?  Do you want to see it stay?  I have been thinking about dropping it but if there are readers who like it I will continue to keep it up and get back to doing the daily updates.   Post a comment to let me know if it should stay or go!
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Bruks Place

This is another one of those websites that I just love.  Bruk makes a comment in her blog about how we love watching television because we get to "peek" into other peoples lives.  She is right.  Maybe that is why I love her blog so much.  It is all about a peek into her life.  My personal favorite here is the dinner table story:
However, I couldn't help myself from reading more.  I really connected with her when she brought up how she feels a little "violated" when she thinks about people she knows reading her private thoughts.  It is so easy to write about life and feelings and thoughts when it is just "strangers" reading.  Then you just don't really care what they think of you.  The thought that people I actually KNOW might be reading what I write is always a little terrifying!  Take a look a this awesome blog and you will find something that connects you too!
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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Start a Cleaning Business

Since many of the readers here are also looking for ways to work from home I thought I should tell you about this blog.   It fits in well with the whole scheme of things. 
For those of you who read my other blogs you know that there are really only two ways to work from home.  Starting your own business or finding a job that you can from home for someone else. 
This great blog is all about starting your own cleaning business and is owned by The Happy Slob. The Happy Slob knows everything about cleaning.  She is an expert on easy cleaning tips and now I find out that she also knows how to run a business!  She is so knowledgeable and this is a terrific resource!
 I personally think this is one of the more profitable businesses you can do from home.  There are countless people who hate to clean and there are an endless supply of businesses who need someone to come in and clean for them.
Take a look at this blog and see if this might not be the right business for you!
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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Blogging, Whats in it for me?

Blogging, What's in it for me is a great little blog and I have turned to it myself on occasion for answers to questions.  Recently I came across the term "link poaching" and I had zero idea of what that was all about!  Guess who had the answer?  Yep;
There is a lot more information here as well and it really isn't all about making money with a blog.  You will also find information on affiliate advertising.  Today I read an article here about Clickbank.  The author of this blog joined Clickbank and has been waiting for payment from her sales.  Well she recently discovered that you can't get payout until you have sales in either four distinct countries or four postal regions nationwide!  Now that is something worth knowing.  Obviously the information is at Clickbank but when you are excited about a new opportunity it is easy to overlook those details. 
I think this blog is a great resource for anyone looking to make money online.  Take a look for yourself!
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Friday, May 05, 2006

Free From Scams

Today I am reviewing my newest website I have spent a lot of time getting this one set up and researching tons of information. 
To make a long story short Freefromscams is all about information.  The same information that is being sold everywhere.  How to find lost money, making money taking surveys and mystery shopping, government grants and auctions.  You know, all that stuff you see being advertised on television that are happy to tell you about if you just send them $40 for a book! 
Now you can get it all free at!
Take a look and let me know what you think and what else you would like to see!
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Monday, May 01, 2006


I love simple ideas.  I love when I find something that is so easy and simple AND successful.  Those things that make you think "why didn't I think of that?".
These days ideas aren't just limited to inventions and practical things.  With the internet almost any idea can come to life.  Remember the website started by the college student who sold pixel advertising and made over a million dollars in a very short time?  That is a great idea.  I also recently saw an advertisement for something or other but they showed a guy who started a magazine.  The magazine was simply notes he found laying around town.  What a simple and easy idea! 
Today I found a website with the same kind of idea.  It's called Postsecret.  People from all over can send in a homemade postcard and they also write down a secret on the postcard.  The postcards are posted at Postsecret.  It is so fascinating, not only to read the secrets but to see the art that goes along with the secret.  It really is a very different kind of collaborative art project and just plain wonderful!  Take a look for yourself!
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