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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Coast to Coast AM with George Noory

So this is a little different but it is one of my favorites.  I am not a huge conspiracy theory fan but I do believe in UFO's and life on other planets and I also believe there is a lot of information that our governement doesn't share with us for whatever reasons. 
When it comes to Coast To Coast AM though, I have been listening to radio show forever and a day it seems.  Clear back to when Art Bell was hosting.  Sometimes the information and guests are kind of boring for me but more often than not I lose a lot of sleep because I just have to stay awake to hear what the guests have to say.
Coast to Coast is not all about aliens and conspiracy theories, don't get me wrong there.  One of my shows every year is Ghost to Ghost on halloween when listeners call in and share ghost stories.  I also love the pictures they post from listeners who claim to have gotten a picture of a ghost.  They really do cover all aspects of our lives on this show and it is a lot of fun.  If you are at all interested in any of this stuff and haven't yet found Coast to Coast, now is the time to take a look!

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