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Tuesday, June 06, 2006


This weekend while I was at work we had the televisions on news stations.  This is about the only time I really ever watch the news.  One of our regular customers came in and was looking at the television and mentioned that all you ever see anymore on the news is more and more people getting killed.
Jokingly I said we should probably start a "good news" station.  Nothing will be allowed to be shown unless it is happy and uplifting. 
Well the site I found today is just filled with stories of wonder and enlightenment.  It is all about Angels and stories from people who believe they have been visited or helped by an Angel.
Personally I am a big believer in Angels and spirits.  I believe we have Angels who help us in every area and aspect of our lives. 
This website tends to back this up really well.  There are some beautiful and wonderful stories that I think everyone can enjoy:
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