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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Soduko Duck

Have you gotten sucked into the Soduko craze yet?  Probably so!  I did and they are more than addicting! 
I regularly do the ones in Star magazine.  I am not yet good enough to do the ones in Readers Digest but I do keep trying!
The way it works is that you start with a grid of boxes, nine across and nine down.  There are numbers in some of the boxes and your goal is to fill in the blank boxes with the correct number. 
When you are done you should have the numbers 1-9 in a row down and across AND in each little 3X3 square with no number showing up either in the little box, across and down.  It is quite the challenge!
I took a look to see if there were any online places where you can try it out and I found this place:
It allows you to pick a puzzle to play or if you already have one you can put the numbers into the grids and get some help!
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