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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Kids and Guns

The CDC estimates that in 2004 13,846 kids were injured by a firearm and 15,214 were injured by BB or Pellet guns.
In a recent survey it was determined that about 1.7 million kids live in homes where there are unlocked and loaded guns! 
This is astounding.  I know a lot of people claim that they grew up with guns and that they are perfectly safe so long as you teach your kids how to use them and about the dangers. 
I personally am someone who will not allow guns in my house as long as I have small children.  I am not against guns I am just not willing to take the risk.  However, I also know that my child might be in a home at any given time where there are guns.   Because of that I do believe in teaching about the dangers of guns and the proper use of guns. 
This website gives you common sense techniques for teaching your kids about guns and gun safety.  You can also find state by state headlines, statistics and resources.  There is a link where you can recieve free firearm safety kits that include gun locks as well. 
Even if you don't have guns in your house this is a great resource site for you.  Remember, your kids too might be visiting a home where guns are not locked up.
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