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Monday, April 03, 2006

Daffy jumps

Here is another fun little game that is just slightly addicting.   Help Daffy Duck jump out of an airplane and safely land in the landing zone. 
I don't know why this is so much fun but it is.  Tell Daffy when to jump and then help him open up his parachute to make sure he lands on the landing pad.  It isn't as easy as it sounds.
Pay attention to the boxer shorts blowing in the breeze to decide which way he is going to fly once he jumps out.  Click on the jump button and then on the chute button to make his chute open.  There is a little landing pad that is up higher or lower, more to the left or more to the right.  You get 10 jumps.   I landed on the pad only 3 times!  Anyway, its just fun:
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