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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Smart online, Safe offline

Thinkuknow is a little site but it is packed full of great advice. 
These days we hear a lot of about online predators and how to keep our kids safe but they don't always listen.  
If your kids tend to roll their eyes everytime you open your mouth or if you have heard "I know" so many times you can't stand it anymore you can give them this address.
This site is written with kids safety in mind and written in a way that kids can understand. 
It includes basic safety information on blogging, IM's, gaming and just staying safe both online and offline.
After reading the basics they can click to get more indepth information.  I think the important thing here is that the basics at least kick in!
This would be a great site to set up as the homepage on any kids computers in your home..
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