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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

How many times this year alone have your tried to call a company only to get a robot?  You wait patiently while the automated system prompts you, "press one if you are a current customer, press two if you want to update your address, press one again if you would like to scream"?
I can tell you of at least one company where it is impossible to get a human.  The only way you can get to a real live person is if you are a new customer.  I learned that trick very quickly!  If you are a customer of this particular company you have felt the frustration and know who I am talking about.
Gethuman is another great site for finding phone numbers for various companies but with a twist.  The great deal here is they also tell you exactly how to get a real live person. 
I know personally I am tired of talking to an automated system.  Typically if I am calling a company it is because I need to talk to a person to get a situation resolved and the answer can't be found by a robot or anywhere else.. 
Gethuman has a huge database and over a millioin consumers contributing and giving feedback.  Not only can you find the number you need to get a real live person but you can also rate the company on their customer service abilities.
Is this a terrific concept or what? 
If you want to talk to a human or have just ever had to deal with a company (and we all do) and would like to give them some feedback on poor customer service or terrific customer service you need to bookmark this site!
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