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Monday, April 10, 2006

Vegan Essentials

Now I am not a Vegan or even close.  I heard about this website though and wanted to share it with you.
Even if you are not a Vegan you probably do care about the environment in some way or form or you might just like to be a little healthier. 
This website offers all kinds of goodies for everyone including your pets!
One thing I love here is the live mouse trap.  I remember being single and finding out we had mice.  I couldn't stand the thought of having to empty a traditional mouse trap or even having to go close to a dead mouse to get it out of the house.  Im kind of squeamish that way.. I went to a dozen stores looking for something that I could handle and I found the live mouse traps.  I loved them.  I just picked them up, took little Mickey outside and let him go.  Much nicer! 
Besides the mouse trap you can also find lots of other goodies here; Clothes, vitamins, Easter goodies, candies, Colloidal Silver, lip balm, stickers, shoes, etc. 
Most everything you use can be found here and in a form that did not harm any animals.  Take a look around and see what you can find!
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