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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A Momma and the Boys Living on a Budget

I just ran across this blog and wanted to share.  It is one of the best written blogs I have seen in quite awhile!  "A Momma and the Boys Living on a Budget" at is all about frugal living and raising your kids well. 
I was particularly inspired by the article on Ipods and kids.  We have recently become an Ipod family.  The older girls both got a Nano for their birthdays (keep in mind they are 18 and 24!) and I got my husband and I got shuffles for our anniversary.  Now of course with all of us having such a great time with the Ipods, Katie (5) has decided she MUST have one. 
Now this particular child was born when I was in my mid 30's and the other kids were mostly grown.  This means she has two parents, grandparents and two sisters and a brother who all work and can afford to spoil her rotten.  A 5 year old with an Ipod though?   Even I had to admit that it was too much but I did give it some thought!  Thank goodness for the article at A Momma and the Boys Living on a Budget..  It definately helped me get my head back on straight! 
You will find a ton of great advice here.  Take a look:
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Comments on "A Momma and the Boys Living on a Budget"


Blogger Admin said ... (2:50 AM) : 

Wow thank for the review. You have very kind words to say.


Blogger Connie said ... (11:04 AM) : 

You deserved them! Thanks for a great site!


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