Its Free!
I don't think I have talked about the message board at yet so Im going to tell you all about it! It is actually the second message board for this website. The first one never took off and I realized that it was just like all the other message boards at wahm sites. So one day I got a bug and did a remodel. The new message board at took off in no time and is still going strong! This message board is all about free stuff. You will find an area with offers for free samples and coupons, a survey area where everyone shares information on the best surveys and what is happening with survey companies, there are areas for mystery shoppers, couponers, bloggers, and people who enjoy the paid to click/read programs. There is an area just for fun where everyone shares about their days or asks questions and even a game area which is getting pretty large with the amount of games! If you are looking for an online community or even if you are just curious, stop by and say hi! Technorati Tags : surveys, free, stuff, freebies, games, fun, message, boards, coupons, steals, and, deals, bargains Powered By Qumana |
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