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Thursday, June 15, 2006

I absolutely LOVE this blog.  First because I love a great deal and it doesn't get better than this.  Second because it is something that a lot of people used to do and everyone is afraid to do now.  Im glad to see that someone still believes in dumpster diving! 
I myself am guilty of driving down the street on trash day and wanting stuff that people have thrown away.  Occasionally I even stop and grab something.  In fact last year I got Katies swimming pool from someones trash pile.  It wasn't one of those blow up ones either.  It was one of the big solid square ones with the built in slide and a built in water squirter thing. 
I recently read something that relates here and that has been bugging me.  Basically: "You can tell how spoiled our society is by the garbage we throw away".  Take a look at all the things this scavenger is finding and tell me it isn't so:
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