Celebrity Gossip
Have you ever wondered why we are so fascinated with celebrities and their lives? Why do we care so much about whether or not Brad and Angelina are really happy in their new lives or where she would give birth? Why do we love to hate K-Fed so much? Why do we look at the mistakes Brittany has made with baby Sean Preston and gasp collectively when we have all made mistakes with our own kids at one time or another? I am just as guilty as you at being enthralled with everything they all say and do. I can't wait for the awards shows to see who shows up wearing really great clothes and who will be wearing the worst thing ever made. So today I am bringing you not one website but two! Both focus on celebrities and gossip and all the things we love to hear and see about:Powered By Qumana |
Comments on "Celebrity Gossip"
Thanks for the review Connie. :)