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Friday, December 15, 2006

Sociopathic Fun

This is just an absolutely fascinating blog.  In a strange way it just pulls you in and you can't stop reading.  Visit to get a glimpse into the life and mind of a Sociopath.  He makes some good points.  We associate the term Sociopath with people like Ted Bundy and Scott Peterson but society is full of Sociopaths who never make it to fame.  Sociopaths are also not always violent.
When you go to this website start at the bottom and read from the bottom up.  Some of the stories are really funny and others are just plain fascinating.  Some of the stories also have some good lessons thrown in.  For instance read the story about the Waiter scam and then see how quickly you turn your credit card over to the next waiter you meet! 
I can't wait to see what comes next on this website.
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