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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Blog In Space

You have a blog and you have a lot of readers but still you want more.  Maybe you have zero readers and would just like someone, anyone to read what you have written.  Here's your chance!  Blog In Space lets you send your blog into the deep regions of outerspace!  Wouldn't you love to be the first blogger to get a comment from Mars?   In all seriousness there are actually a lot of bloggers here with a lot of great things to say.  It is actually pretty fascinating to think about.  Imagine lifeforms on other planets reading about your day and your thoughts and hopes and dreams.  Will they laugh or cry or just think we are all nuts.  Might be a great way to prevent an alien invasion. 
If you don't have a blog to transmit you can just click on a button and send a personal message out into space.  You never know!

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